AMI Electronics
Electronics First Aid
The Doctor is in !

We repair inexpensively all of the electronic equipment in your home or office. All brands are repaired – modern and antique.

Almost everybody has electronic equipment that doesn’t work properly or at all. They would like to get their electronics fixed but it’s either too expensive or too much trouble.

We will come to your house or office and repair any of your electronics so that they work like new.

You may think that a service that is this convenient would be expensive, but it’s not.

We will also provide a warranty of one-year on parts and six months on labour for all repairs.

Call for a free estimate and you will see that it is worth it to repair your electronics rather than to replace them.

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We Repair
Why Do Business With AMI Electronics?
  • The quality of our work is top-notch – we’ve been repairing electronics for over 50 years.
  • Repair lab is on premises. Work is NOT sent outside.
  • A free cost estimate is provided that shows the final cost to you.
  • Our service is fast and convenient.
  • Free pickup from and return delivery to your location.
  • Day and evening service provided.
  • Service warranty/guarantee of ONE YEAR on parts and SIX MONTHS on labour included with each repair.
  • Over 1 million+ satisfied customers.
  • By fixing your product, you avoid disposing it, which is harmful to the Environment.
  • We repair many celebrities’ headphones.
Click here to see what CTV has to say about us!

Discount Available for Seniors, Physically-Challenged and Expecting Mothers

Our Awards

See the below Awards for Excellence That Have Been so graciously awarded to us:

Fixing Precious Equipment for Over Four Decades
Our Work is Top-Notch and Our Prices are Fair!
Call 416-362-7797 OR 416 797 9736

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